Women's Advent Night 2021
A Reflection on the 2021 Compass Fall Retreat
The Seniors are still Kicking
Ignite: A look into all that lies ahead for Ignite Ministry
"Abide in me": Our annual Men's & Women's retreats
SPO Missionaries 2021: Get to know the new & returning Saint Paul's Outreach missionaries here in NJ
VolleyBall Tuesdays
Camp Hope 2021 Testimonies
The Gift of Service
camp hope 2021
Mary, Mother of Hope
Pentecost is Real
This New Way of Life
An SPO Farewell: Saying Goodbye to some of our beloved spo missionaries
The Kairos YES Retreat 2021
The Lord's Battle: Encouragement from a COVID-19 nurse, One year later
A YEAR OF JOY: Marty's 44th Anniversary Remarks
we are the people of hope: a year in review
Let Your Light So Shine: Why a public commitment to life in community?
Advent Memories: Ignite Teens share their favorite things about Advent