Still Together during This Time Apart: A Reflection about the Daughters of Hope
The Lord's Greatness: A Compass Fall Retreat Reflection
My Friends, the Saints
Inspired by the Saints
A New Compass Year: A look into what lies ahead
New Ignite Year: A look into the Ignite Ministry Year
In His Presence: 24 Hour Adoration for our Virtual Fall Retreat
SPO Missionaries: Get to know the new & returning Saint Paul's Outreach missionaries here in NJ
Still finding Jesus: Ignite Summer Events
Pronto 2020
Kairos' Youth Workers Summit 2020
Archdiocesan Women's Day: A brief summary of the Women's Day from March
In Loving Memory: Fr. James Carroll
Pentecost Exhortation
This Too Shall Pass: An Encouragement during Quarantine
An SPO Farewell: Saying Goodbye to some of our long time SPO Missionaries
Zoom Celebrations: Virtual Ignite Easter Celebration
Jesus at the Heart of the Virus: An Encouragement from a Nurse working with Covid-19 Patients
Give it a Side Glance: A look at Community Life amidst a Pandemic
Virtual Lord's Day Celebration: A Reflection on Lord's Day during Isolation