"From Him, for Him, through Him are all things" (Romans 11:36)

From May 24th to May 27th, 380 men from all over the world gathered in San Jose, Costa Rica for the 2024 International Coordinators’ Meeting (ICM) of the Sword of the Spirit. The theme of the meeting was, “From him, through him, for him are all things” from Romans 11: 36. Six coordinators from the People of Hope were blessed to attend the meeting.
Indeed, our days were full of blessings from the Lord. Each day began with an exhortation and time of praise and worship, in both English and Spanish, followed by a teaching and then men’s groups with brothers from other communities. In the afternoons there was time for recreation, workshops, and updates. The updates were given by leaders from non-SOS communities who shared what the Lord is doing in their communities and how He is leading them to build partnerships with the Sword of the Spirit. Our evenings included prayer meetings and times of spiritual ministry.
Each day began with an exhortation and time of praise and worship, in both English and Spanish, followed by a teaching and then men’s groups with brothers from other communities.
After the Lord’s day meal on Saturday evening, three communities including the Brotherhood of Hope signed the covenant of the Sword of the Spirit as the newest fully formed communities. Following that wonderful moment, we were treated to excellent entertainment from a member of the community and also a professional musician. We began Sunday morning with an Ecumenical prayer service and Mass for the Catholic brothers.
The remainder of the morning and afternoon were reserved for day trips to various locations of your choosing. The day trips options included a hike up an inactive volcano, a visit to either waterfalls or a coffee plantation, and walking tours of San Jose. This meeting ended Jean Barbara’s term as the International President of the Sword of the Spirit and on Monday night he gave his farewell speech which was more of an inspirational preaching. The ICM closed with the installation of Manny de los Santos as the next International President of the Sword of the Spirit. All of this was wrapped in times of wonderful brotherhood during breaks, at meals, and our nightly fellowship time. New relationships were made and old ones renewed.
-Marty Buganski, Senior Coordinator, The People of Hope
Praise God for our international brothers and sisters throughout the world in the Sword of the Spirit! Please keep our fellow communities in your prayers.