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The Daughters of Hope 2022-23 Update


We have had a beautiful year in the Daughters of Hope, including many fun and memorable times together. Our first event was an Oktoberfest where we learned about the origins of the celebration, did a fun chicken dance and prayed the rosary. In November we had an All Saints Celebration where we played some saint guessing games and shared about our favorite saint. In December we had our annual Christmas celebration with some caroling and bingo! Our February event included learning about pearls, the Pearl of Great Price, and the treasure we have in one another. We were able to encourage each sister in a special quality and have a time of intercession. Our annual Lenten Breakfast resumed in March, which featured our special guest speaker, Fr. Richard Carton. He shared many insights about Lent, told some stories, and encouraged each of these faithful ladies in their walk with Jesus. We were so grateful to be able to visit our dear “Sisters of Jesus our Hope” in May for our annual visit. Covid has kept us away for the last 3 years so we were very excited to spend several hours with them. It was a very relational time with lots of joy and many conversations with different Sisters.

"We leave so encouraged, so grateful for one another and filled with the JOY of the Lord!"

Sr. Julia is turning 90 in August so we brought cards and sang to her. We were also blessed to spend a little time in their chapel where Sr. Christine Quense led us in prayer, but also encouraged all the Daughters in their faithfulness for so many years and thanked them for their example to her. We left there so built-up and it was beautiful seeing our old friends again.

We are planning to meet one more time in June for our closing picnic and then resume our events in the fall. Every time we meet, we have fun snacks made by our team consisting of Mary Quense, Kathy Garcia, Teresa Murray, Maria DeLuca and Susan Minogue.

Sometimes we wear ugly Christmas sweaters, or funny headbands or even pearls, but we always enjoy our special times together experiencing great fellowship, sisterly love and fun. We leave so encouraged, so grateful for one another and filled with the JOY of the Lord! God is good! - Susan Minogue

Some photos from the year



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