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The Lord's Battle: Encouragement from a COVID-19 nurse, One year later

Writer's picture: People of Hope CreativePeople of Hope Creative

Updated: Jun 19, 2021

I was asked to write a follow up on my experience working as a nurse during the covid pandemic. I think we have all learned a lot in the past year about how to deal with the virus and thank God at this time things are heading in the right direction.

As health care professionals and society in general we are in a bereavement stage, mourning the loss of many lives cut short too soon and dealing with the aftermath of all that entails. There are many nurses and doctors that have chosen to leave the field but at the same time many others who have been inspired to join. Most of us at this point have less fear and are ready to move forward with some “normal” living.

I personally felt the effects of the lack of available spiritual encouragement this past year. I think with the closures of churches and the loss of many events that sustained our Community life, it has left many feeling overwhelmed and alone. At the same time, I thank God for the faith He has given us to sustain us at this time and continue to fight this battle. It was through the encouragement of the women in my share group that I was able to keep up my spirits and my faith, through the mutual accountability and constant support amid a huge loss of social connection.

"I thank God for the faith He has given us to sustain us at this time and continue to fight this battle"

This experience has continually reminded me that we are in a battle and we need to continue to fight for our life and our faith. I was recently reading a book about WWII and convicted of how weak we as a society truly are; if our biggest issue is some inconveniences to our life, we really should be grateful. I know at the beginning of all this knowing I was going to be working with covid patients, I chose to not live in fear but to know that God is in charge and Heaven is where we’re going, and if He called me home then I prayed that I would be ready.

My prayer through all of this is that we all would be strengthened in our resolve to continue His call to build His kingdom here on earth, and to encourage each other to continue to fight this battle and all the future battles He calls us to. May we continue to pray for each other.

- Jane Apuzzo, People of Hope member

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