Prayer intentions
Welcome to the People of Hope Prayer Intentions page. Let us unite ourselves in prayer with the needs below and pray that God's grace be in abundance in every situation.
If you would like to submit a prayer intention of your own, please use the form at the bottom of the page.
Eleanor Benson
Clara Bickel
Jack Bickel
Maria Bickel
Genna Camiolo
Peggy Camiolo
Don Campbell
Tom Cvelich
Jackie Donnelley
Margaret Fierro
Eric Garcia
Shannon Hardy
Joseph McMullen
Gary Montemurno
Rose Molnar
Danielle Neri
Dan O'Mullan
Liz Quense
Lee Scarfone
Lisa Yacone
Let us also remember:
Our senior brothers and sisters in the People of Hope
Those who are sick in our sister communities around the world
For peace in our world, especially in the Middle East & the Ukraine
All government officials and those in leadership
All those who are serving in the military, especially our loved ones.
All of those who are out of work that God will provide for their every need.
All the prayer intentions of those who left prayer requests on our website.